a day in the morgue!

obviously, this profession isnt your typical 9 to 5 office job, a typical work day can range from 10-12 hours. on nearly most, if not all of their work days, they stand up four hours on end while performing autopsies. did you know morgues are kept at temperatures as cold as −10 °C (14 °F) and −50 °C (−58 °F)? brrrr! when not standing around doing autopsies in that freezing morgue, forensic pathologists can be found preparing reports, or even going out to crime scenes!

education requirements?

oh boy, where do i start? well as far as high school requirements, all that is needed is to take advanced math, science, and english courses, well developed writing skills, and experience with public speaking. college requirements include any undergraduate major, however it is required to take the necessary classes for medical school, at least 24 semester hours of chemistry and/or biology and math, as well as all the prerequisites for medical school, and learning a foreign language is VERY, VERY reccomended and appreciated. and lastly, the medical school requirements include a focus in patient care, taking an autopsy pathology rotation as an elective, as a final check to make sure this career is REALLY for you (you better pray it is, otherwise all that previous work is wasted!), and explore job opportunities and/or do a rotation at a local medical examiner’s office.