Forensic pathology ★⌒ヽ(╹꒳╹)b

most average people would have an intense, visceral reaction to the smell of rotting flesh, however for a forensic pathologist...its all in a days work!

forensic pathology is the science of assesing a potential cause of death to postmortem bodies, otherwise known as performing an autopsy.

okay cool... but why is this a whole page on your website?

well its for school, but it happens to be something im passionate about so i wanted to make it here! (this answer is obviously for those who follow my site on neocities and not my teacher and classmates who know what this is.)

please be warned the next few pages will contain graphic descriptions of cadavers and murder, and probably some little pixelated blood splatters, organs and,weapons, for decoration. if this is all okay with you, you may proceed.